Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Obserbations~**~ Observaciones

1. I haven’t put gas in my car for a month!

2. Since I started to run all my errands using my bike as my means of transportation I have started to pay attention to things around me: the street, the cars, the trees and plants, the shops, the people, and the road. I found this cute little garden. I see things now that I had not noticed before and it seems that everything slows down, it feels like if thing was in slow motion.

3. Everyday I notice more people riding bikes in this town. It seems to me that in the college and university areas there are tons of students on bikes, but downtown there are two predominant types of cyclists: the lycra/spandex speed racers and the Latino workers who use their bikes as their commute to work. I feel closer to the later type, they are always friendly to me, they say hola, and smile when they see me with my old bike and my pink helmet.

4. I don’t care much for poor drivers in expensive cars, yesterday I was almost got run over by an angry looking guy who was driving a Jaguar. Somehow he missed me, even though I was turning right in front of him and I had signaled with my arm the direction of my turn. Of course all this happened the middle of the afternoon with plenty of day light! He even had the nerve to yell at me when I moved to the right to avoid being hit!

1. No he tenido que poner gasolina en mi coche en un mes!!

2. Desde que empeze a hacer todos (o casi todos) mis recados en mi bici puedo observar atentamente las calles, los coches, los arboles y plantas, los comercios, la gente y la carretera. Y abriendo bien los ojos encontre este adorable jardincito! Ahora veo cosas que nunca miraba antes, es como si todo fuera más despacio, a cámara lenta.

3. Cada día veo más gente en bici y me gusta. Me parece que en la zona universitaria hay montones de estudiantes con sus bicis, pero en el centro de la ciudad creo que hay principalmente dos tipos de ciclistas: los ciclistas en mayas de licra y los trabajadores latinos que utilizan su bici como medio de transporte para ir a su trabajo. Me siento más cercana a los latinos, siempre son amables conmigo, me saludan y sonrien al verme con mi casco rosa y mi vieja bicicleta.

4. No tengo buena opinión de los malos conductor@s en coches lujosos. Ayer casi me atropeyó un seňor que conducía un Jaguar. Al parecer no me vio, aunque yo estaba delante de él, torciendo a la derecha y había extendido mi brazo para marcar mi sentido del giro. Todo esto desde luego en plena luz del día! No me puedo creer que tubiera el descaro de gritarme cuando me tube que apartar para evitar que me diera!

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