Thursday, April 1, 2010

Grandfather and grandson ~**~ Abuelo y nieto

Walking on pier the other day I saw this grandfather and his grandson riding together and it reminded me about a film that I watched at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. I volunteered at the festival and had the chance to watch many films and my favorite one was the Bulgarian This World is Big and Salvation Lurks around the Corner. The film is about the struggle to forget and remember a difficult past and at the same time learning to enjoy the present. It’s about the importance of connecting with family and finding pleasure in riding your bicycle and playing backgammon. It is sweet, sad, and inspiring. The score is also great and the Festival Band performs the song Backgammon Dice. Definitely, this film is high on my list of best movies ever. Totally recommend it!

Caminado en el muelle ví a este abuelo y su nieto montando juntos en bicicleta y me recordó a una peli que ví durante el festival de cine internacional de Santa Barbara, donde fui voluntaria y tube la oportunidad de ver un montón de pelis. Mi favorita fué la búlgara El Mundo es grande y la salvación está a la vuelta de la esquina. La película trata de la lucha por olvidar y recordar el pasado y a la vez aprender a disfrutar el presente. Otro tema central es la importancia de conectar con la familia y el apreciar las pequeñas cosas, disfrutar de montar en bici y de jugar al backgammon. La película es agridulce e inspira una gran humanidad. La banda sónora es tambièn buenísima y el grupo Festival Band interpreta la canción Backgammon Dice. Definitivamente esta película está en mi lista de favoritas y absolutamente recomiendo el verla!


  1. Grandfather and grandson - love it! That's a rare one.

    Movie... "It’s about the importance of connecting with family and finding pleasure in riding your bicycle and playing backgammon."

    Sounds like my kind of movie! Would love to see it.

  2. @ Christa: It's absolutely one of the best films I have watched in a long time and it's already available in Netflix.
