Monday, July 26, 2010

At work ~**~ En el trabajo

Getting to work is so easy and I do love the ride in the morning, and I love even more the ride back home after I'm done because when I get home I'm refreshed and my mind is clear.

I took this morning this pic of La relampago sitting outside work, getting prettier everyday. I love my new basket from Cost Plus Imports! Fenders are coming next!

Ir al trabajo con la bici es tan facil, me encanta y sobre todo al salir de regreso al final del dia, todos los rollos se te aclaran de camino a clasa.

Esta foto es de hoy con La relampago aparcada fuera del trabajo y cada dia mas guapetona. Me encanta mi cesta de mimbre de la tienda Cost Plus Imports. Pronto tendra guardabarros tambien!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Yoga in Summerland ~**~ Yoga en Summerland

Super fun bicycle ride on early on Saturday to Summerland to Yoga class with three of my friends, I'm trying to attached the bicycle google map but I'm technological challenged! Coming back to Santa Barbara was pretty fast, we had a lovely tail wind and before we knew it we were up in State Street!

Super divertida bajada en bici a Summerland el sabado tempranito para ir a clase de Yoga con tres de mis amigas, desafortundamento no puedo pegar al post el mapa de google. El regresar a Santa Barbara fue bastante facil ya que tuvimos el viento a favor y sin darnos cuenta llegamos a State Street en un santiamen!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My red bicycle ~**~ Mi bicicleta roja

While I'm enjoying being at home I have spent doing fun things with my family and one of them was looking through old photos. And to my surprise I found this one of me learning to ride my first bike. I knew I had it but I couldn't remember what I was wearing in the photo or what kind of bike I had, I just remembered it was red. It makes me smile to see that back them I was already into looking cycle chic when riding my bike: cute skirt and red mary janes!

I don't remember what happened to my red bike, some how it was a ghost of my childhood as I never learned to ride without training wheels then.

This ghost had hunted me pretty much all my life, until last summer when upset by what was going on with my work, I bought my purple Sting Ray to focus my energy in something positive.

I finally learned to ride and the ghost is gone for ever!

Mientras estoy en casa estoy disfrutando mucho hacienco cosas divertidas con mi familia, una de estas actividades ha sido ver fotos antiguas y para mi sorpresa he encontrado esta de mi cuando estaba aprendiendo a montar en bici. Sabia que la tenia pero no me acordaba de la ropa que llevaba o del modelo exacto de me bici y me hace sonreir el ver que incluso cuando era una peque tenia un cierto sentido del cycle chic montando con falda y zapatitos rojos!

No se que paso con esta bici, de alguna manera se convirtio en un fantasma de mi infancia ya que nunca aprendi a montar sin las ruedas de aprendizaje....

Este fantasma estubo conmigo por casi toda mi vida, hasta que el verano pasado me compre una
Sting Ray para poner mi energia en algo positivo ya que me mi situacion laboral era un asco.

El fantasma se esfumo para siempre cuando por fin aprendi a montar!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Marea Roja Plaza Cibeles ~**~ Red Tide in Plaza Cibeles

Took the train to Madrid to see the celebratory parede in Madrid. Pic is taken from La Cibeles, the entire city was red with folks from all over waiting to see the champeon team. It was a magical evening!
I still can't believe that got to see with my own eyes the players and the cup!

En tren hasta Madrid para ver el defile celebratorio, esta foto es desde La Cibeles; la ciudad era roja y habia gente de todos los lugares esperando a ver a los locos bajitos! Fue una tarde magica! Aun no me creo que pude ver con mis propios ojos a los jugadores y a la copa.

El pulpo Paul ~**~ Paul the Octapus

El pulpo Paul
Originally uploaded by Space Rider Gal
It was so much fun to see Spain win, tears and suffering, then celebration! Paul also joined the party!

Fue tan divertido ver ganar a los rojos, con lagrimas y sufrimiento, pero despues lo celebramos a lo lindo e includo Paul se nos junio a a la juerga!

Primos ~**~ Cousins

Originally uploaded by Space Rider Gal
My cousin and I going nuts from Plaza Santo Domingo!

Mi primo y yo celebrandolo como locos desde la Plaza Santo Domingo!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

public bikes ~**~ bicis publicas

I want to take one for a spin but joining it's rather visit I will plan ahead better!

Y como quiero subirme en una y dar una vuelta, pero es un poco complicado por la burocracia...para la proxima visita lo voy a planear mejor!

Guadalajara public bicycles ~**~ Bicicletas publicas de Guadalajara

It makes me smile super big to see that my town has now a public bike share program!

There are mutiple locations and I heard from my dad and other locals that additional spots are being added throughout the town.

Y como me hace sonreir el ver que mi cuidad ahora tambien tiene un program de bicicletas publicas.

Hay varios puntos de prestamo y mi padre y otros locales me han dicho que estan creando mas.

Running of the bulls ~**~ El encierro

Display at a local bakery in my neighborhood. Check out the bull of bread!

Escaparate en una tahona en mi barrio. Fijate en el toro de pan!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

To the final! ~**~ A la final

What a victory! The whole town and country went nuts!
Children celebrating in my neighborhood in Guadalajara Spain that we're going to the World Cup Final!

Vaya victoria! La locura en mi ciudad y en todo el pais!
Jovenes de mi barrio celebrando en Guadalajara que vamos a la final del mundial!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Everyone rides!

Going to town
Originally uploaded by Space Rider Gal
I loved my stay in Cambridge and it was so neat to see that so many people ride, it was also great to see the bike infracture integrated in the city.

Next stop, Guadalajara-Spain!

Me lo pase genial en mi visita a Cambridge y fue estupendo ver que muchisima gente monta en bici alli! Tambien me gusto mucho el ver la infraestrucutra creada para el uso de bicicleta ya que esta totalmente integrado en la ciudad.

Paloma is cycle chic

She is probably the youngest cycle chic gal out there, she is only 8 months old and loves riding her tricycle!

Probablemente la chica cycle chic mas joven, con tan solo 8 meses. La encanta montar en su triciclo!

Business Meeting ~**~ Reunion de negocios

More from Cambridge, it seems that business here is also done while cycling!

Mas desde Cambridge, me parece que aqui los negocios tambien se hacen montando en bici.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Bikeshop ~**~ Tienda de bicis

Bikeshop sign
Originally uploaded by Space Rider Gal
Super cool sign!

Letrero chulisimo!

Bull pub & bike

Bull pub & bike
Originally uploaded by Space Rider Gal
Last night Pim's and lemonade!

Anoche Pim's con limonada!

Blue bike ~**~ Bici azul

Blue bike
Originally uploaded by Space Rider Gal
Lots and lots of cool bikes in Cambridge. I'm really miss my bicycles!!!

Montones de bicis super chulas en Cambridge, cuanto hecho de menos a las mias!